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Pricing Strategies for Home Stagers

Those who struggle with pricing or want to refine their process, these educational offerings are for you to watch and/or listen to in order to help you get added information to help your business grow and thrive.

  1. Do you struggle with understanding how to PRICE your Staging Services? 
  2. Are you concerned about how to justify your pricing with clients who seem want things done “cheaper?”  
  3. Are you frustrated with how long it takes you to put a pricing proposal together?
  4. Do you know how to Articulate your VALUE Effectively?

If you answerd YES to any of these questions or just need guidance on pricing, then this INFORMATION is for you.

Jennie Norris, Chairwoman of IAHSP, Current Staging Business Owner, with over 6,500 properties staged since 2002, shares from her expertise about HOW to price your projects so you PROFIT.

Catherine Lewis-Brown, owner of The Successful Stager shares her expertise on Pricing so Staging business owners do not struggle.

Home Stagers do NOT need to struggle to figure out how to price their services.  If you were not properly taught HOW to price for YOUR market, these webinars will help you understand your VALUE, how to figure out where you need to be priced based on your market, how to price a proposal and a consultation, plus much more.

We do trade time for dollars when we first get started, and eventually want to be able to leverage our time through the process of expanding our team and services.

This PRICING BUNDLE is FULL of vital and valuable information for any Staging Business Owner. STOP GUESSING – and KNOW what YOUR Market will bear and start making MONEY and be PROFITABLE!

  • Pricing Strategies for Home Staging (90 Min)
  • Pricing That Works – (30 min)
  • 10 Pricing Must Haves (30 min)
  • Is Your Pricing Out of Tune? (45 min)
  • What Are You Paying Me For? (60 min)
  • Vacant Staging Project Planner (60 min)
  • Getting Paid – Systems and resources (60 min)

These Webinars Provide Information on the following:

  • Cost vs Value
  • Your Value Proposition
  • How to Determine Your Pricing
  • 4 types of pricing models – pros and cons
  • Understanding Your Profit
  • Understanding Your Business Costs
  • Pricing for Consultations.
  • Vacant Staging Project Planner – Identifying the 16 Steps for a successful Vacant Project


  • BONUS – Furnishings Pricing Spreadsheet
  • PLANNING your TIME – Expectations for Various Properties
  • BONUS: Staging Project Tracking Spreadsheet
  • BONUS: Information on pricing ranges around the US for Staging so you know where you need to be priced for your market.
  • BONUS: Income Projection Worksheet Planner – Plug in your Goals for Revenue, Types of Projects you Provide, Your Close Rate, and Pricing – and we tell you how many Proposals and Consultation Opportunities You Need to do EACH MONTH to hit your goal

This education has been provided by IAHSP® – The International Association of Home Staging Professionals®.